01. jún 2023
štvrtok - 16:00
Slovak Dance Platform 2023
The Essence
Eva Urbanová
Ako sama Eva Urbanová inotajne uvádza, jej sólo je stvorené z lepkavej želatíny a ružových ruží a temných momentov a strašidelných tvárí a skákajúcich… The Essence je sólo, v ktorom sa stretáva ostrá a priamočiara esencia tanečnice s hrejivou modro-fialovou hudbou skladateľa Aid Kida.
The Essence je zároveň cestou k sebe samému, k podstate tanca aj ľudského bytia vôbec. Je kreatívnym angažovaným sólom mladej, pôvodom slovenskej umelkyne, v ktorom pôsobivo preukazuje vyzretosť svojho pohybového slovníka a poeticky prepája textovú a časovú rovinu choreografie.
Inscenácia získala 1. miesto na tanečnej súťaži na Gdansk Dance Festival 2022 a tiež 2. miesto a Cenu publika na stuttgartskom festivale Solo-Tanz-Theater 2021.
Choreografia, tanec: Eva Urbanová
Text: Eva Urbanová
Hudba: Aid Kid
Trvanie: 12 min
Vstupné: 4€
As Eva Urbanová herself says figuratively, her solo is made of sticky gelatine and pink roses and dark moments and creepy faces and jumping… The sharp and straightforward essence of the dancer meets the warm blue-purple music of the composer Aid Kid.
The Essence is at the same time a journey to the self, to the essence of dance and human existence as such. It is a creative and engaged solo by a young artist originally from Slovakia, in which she impressively demonstrates the maturity of her movement vocabulary, poetically linking the textual and the temporal level of the choreography.
The production was awarded first place at the Gdansk Dance Festival 2022 and also won second place in the choreography category and also won the audience prize at the 2021 Solo-Tanz-Theater festival in Stuttgart.
Choreography, dance: Eva Urbanová
Text: Eva Urbanová
Music: Aid Kid
Duration: 12 min
Tickets: 4€
More informations about Slovak Dance Platform, registration and tickets HERE.
Slovenskú tanečnú platformu 2023 podporil z verejných zdrojov ako hlavný partner Fond na podporu umenia. S podporou Nadácie mesta Bratislavy.
Slovak Dance Platform 2023 was supported with the use of public funds by the Slovak Arts Council as main partner. Supported by Bratislava City Foundation.